DISH Network Launches $25 Million Lawsuit Against Illegal IPTV Provider Glo TV and Affiliated Resellers

In a significant legal move, DISH Network has initiated legal proceedings against Glo TV, an illegal IPTV service, along with associated resellers, including Rays IPTV.

The lawsuit, filed on December 13, alleges copyright infringement and seeks damages amounting to $25 million.

DISH Network Launches $25 Million Lawsuit Against Illegal IPTV Provider Glo TV and Affiliated Resellers

According to DISH, its investigators have witnessed IPTV operators repeatedly violating the company’s exclusive rights by streaming copyrighted programs within the United States. Glo TV, Rays IPTV, and Rays TV are specifically mentioned in the suit, obtained earlier by Torrent Freak.

The legal action extends to the operators of Glo TV, identifying Massive Wireless CEO Khaled Akhtar and Rays IPTV CEO Mumyazur Rehman Daud as key figures.

Rays IPTV is accused of actively marketing its infringing service through websites and phone channels, as well as distributing set-top boxes preloaded with unauthorized content to retailers, including Massive Wireless.

DISH’s legal battle against illegal IPTV services is not new, reflecting a broader global effort by cable TV companies, governments, and law enforcement agencies.

The motivation behind these actions stems from the rising popularity of IPTV services among consumers seeking cost-effective alternatives to traditional cable subscriptions, given the increasing expenses associated with cable bills.

DISH Network Launches $25 Million Lawsuit Against Illegal IPTV Provider Glo TV and Affiliated Resellers

Rays IPTV, for instance, is reported to have advertised its services with promises such as “no more expensive cable bills” and targeted consumers claiming to be “tired of paying too many bills for too few channels,” according to the lawsuit.

Massive Wireless, previously investigated by DISH in 2017, received multiple cease-and-desist orders, which reportedly went unheeded.

DISH asserts that Rays IPTV also sold subscriptions through its website,, charging $65 for one month and $305 for a year.

In an attempt to address the challenge posed by anonymous operators behind Glo TV, DISH is actively working on identifying individuals who have taken elaborate steps to conceal their identities. The unidentified individuals are listed as Does 1-10, or Doe Defendants, in the lawsuit.

This legal action marks another chapter in the ongoing struggle against illegal IPTV services, highlighting the industry’s determination to protect copyright and combat unauthorized streaming practices.

The $25 million lawsuit underscores the severity with which DISH Network aims to address the alleged copyright infringements by Glo TV and affiliated resellers.

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